In the beginning of 2016 I was hopeful. I was working at UPS temporarily as a pre-loader but 2016 was going to be the year I found my dream job and got married.
At the end of January I had caught a cold that was making its way around the hub. That last week I struggled to keep up with loading the trucks properly. Those weeks taught me to appreciate UPS workers and how they bust their butts. The first week of February is when I fainted on Dave and my world turned upside down. All my plans for the year went out the window. It was severely anemic from uterine blood loss.
I no longer could dance, run around the neighborhood or hit the gym (which I joined to stay fit for the wedding…lol). I discovered that I had fibroids in my uterine wall and it had to be removed. Since our wedding date was set for April, it was discussed and determined by my fabulous Doctor that we would have to wait until after the wedding for surgery. There simply wasn’t enough time between to get me on the schedule and have enough time to recover.
Not wanting to push the wedding off yet again, Dave and I agreed with the plan. I quietly waited at home while my body fought me every step of the way. I can’t tell you how many times Doc had to change my medication just to get it to stop bleeding.
On April 24th surrounded by a small group of family and friends, Dave and I finally got married. As planned, we kept it simple and it was a beautiful day.
Our wedding bliss was short lived when I fainted yet again a few days later. That is when Doc’s team and Dave’s HR manager worked overtime to get me on Dave’s insurance. The effort it took to push the paperwork thru and then schedule my operation was amazing. I am forever grateful for everyone who helped out.
June 7th I entered the Newton Medical Center for my hysterectomy. The procedure went smooth and I spent three days in the maternity ward. What a fabulous group of women. I was blessed to have the team that I had to help me while I was there. I was given a lot of pointers and a Giggle Pillow to help with minimizing the pain.
By the end of August I was back up and running. A little slow but I was moving again. I was back to dancing and hiking. I wasn’t winded just walking into the grocery store. It was amazing.
Now you may be wondering about the dream job? I did join a fabulous team (North Porch – Women and Infants’ Centers) as their Program Director.
I have reflected on this past year and what I learned. First, all the best plans in life can change in a moment so enjoy everything whether it’s planned or not.
Second, to be gentle with myself. Over the past year I wondered if I had done this, would I have caught this sooner and not have to hit the critical stage I hit. I also gained weight as I went from active to sitting all the time. I am looking to loose some of it but have to realize that my body changed in a big way and things I did in the past might not work as well.
Third, kind of goes with number two, eat better. Since I wasn’t feeling good I relied on crackers and bread for many meals. I need to cut back all of that so I can become a healthier me. I won’t give up everything but I will be looking to eat cleaner, less processed foods. I have a lot I want to do next year and I want to run circles around 2017.
Here’s to the next adventures in life!